Our passports came last week, earlier than expected, which was a great relief. We are set to depart Monday, December 28.


Our GoFundMe is still open, if you are interested in contributing to our travels.

I will do my very best to keep the blog updated as we travel with photos and insight.

Peace & Love!

Not the Jet Set

“By a fountain back in Rome I fell in love with you
In a small cafe in Athens You said you loved me too
And it was April in Paris when I first held you close to me
Rome, Georgia, Athens, Texas And Paris, Tennessee

No, we’re not the jet set
We’re the old Chevro-let set
There’s no Riviera
In Festus, Missouri
And you won’t find Onassis
In Mullinville, Kansas
No, we’re not the jet set
We’re the old Chevro-let set
But ain’t we got love”

So, we took a little road trip inspired by one of our favorite songs, and it was one of the best choices we made since getting married. 😉 Haha!

We started from Huntington, WV on Friday, November 20 went to Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia before ending up in Flatwoods, WV at 4 a.m. Thanksgiving Day to sleep for a couple of hours before spending the holiday with family.

If you’re not familiar with the song, listen here, and then browse our pictures.

I also took some pictures with my real camera that didn’t turn out too bad.

Trying to get to Scotland

Hey y’all!

We got married November 7, and we would love to take a honeymoon in Scotland in December, so we started a GoFundMe to try and help out with the cost. I plan to keep this blog updated with our travels, so I thought it would be appropriate to share the link to the GoFundMe here.